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If your business is 80% ready to launch, this is for you …

19 June

It’s been said that ‘Perfection is the enemy of good’ (even ‘great’). The point is, if you need to wait for perfection, you will never complete anything and you’ll get stuck. You may even develop a severe case of analysis paralysis. Alan Weiss encourages his readers to act “when you’re 80% sure / ready / comfortable”. […]

Linkedin Publisher … Results? or just an Online Adrenaline Hit?

26 May
LinkedIn Publisher

Since you are either an Internet Marketer or you are simply marketing online in some capacity, I would like to share some of my experiences and insights as a “new” Linkedin Publisher with you here. Last week my application was processed and I was invited to publish as a Linkedin Publisher. The news was exciting and […]

If you are on Social Media, do you still need a website?

15 March

Most so called “Social Media” platforms are advertising platform masquerading as social media. Especially the ones that have gone public and have to publish quarterly financial reports proving their profitability in an effort to keep their stock price elevated. As some of the highest valued stocks on the market, their investors will make sure they […]

Why am I reading this tweet?

04 December
How to Write a Tweet

How to Write a Tweet – The 4 points that engage Roy Peter Clark plus a few Writing Tips from Social Media Experts I just finished listening to Mitch Joel interviewing Roy Peter Clark today. Roy Peter Clark has been called “America’s Writing Coach”. He is the senior scholar and vice president of the Poynter Institute for Media […]