It’s been said that ‘Perfection is the enemy of good’ (even ‘great’). The point is, if you need to wait for perfection, you will never complete anything and you’ll get stuck. You may even develop a severe case of analysis paralysis. Alan Weiss encourages his readers to act “when you’re 80% sure / ready / comfortable”. […]
Archive | Planning a Website
RSS feed for this sectionIf you are on Social Media, do you still need a website?

Most so called “Social Media” platforms are advertising platform masquerading as social media. Especially the ones that have gone public and have to publish quarterly financial reports proving their profitability in an effort to keep their stock price elevated. As some of the highest valued stocks on the market, their investors will make sure they […]
What type of Website do I need?

What type of website do I need? That’s a good question! You’re in the right place to get the answer and to understand what type of website you need. Depending on your requirements, you may want scheduling capabilities, a photo gallery, a member login area, newsletter registration widgets, a blog, or a number of other possible features […]
Want to Optimize Your WordPress Website?

Now you can discover the top WordPress Optimization Best Practices in one brief 17 page eBook. An insightful eBook was just launched to guide you through improving your site’s performance with just a few tweaks. It guides you through some of the best practices specifically for optimizing WordPress Websites so you can get more results […]
Is there a silver bullet or secret formula for developing your ultimate sales website?
I often say “if you meet someone who tells you they know everything about the Internet, you should proceed very cautiously”. There is no Silver Bullet When it comes to making sales online, a lot of people want someone to tell them the secret formula and then implement it. But the fact is, there is […]
Planning a Website with WebsiteWishlist.Net
Why use WebsiteWishlist.Net to plan your Website? Planning a website with WebsiteWishlist.Net will inspire you to develop an effective marketing machine. Your wish list will help you get the most out of your time and monetary investment in online marketing. It will help you clarify your requirements and act as a roadmap for the internet professionals who you […]